There’s no magic pill to remove heart ache or sadness, it’s a process of unfolding our emotions to reveal the truth and essence of who we are. It takes time and patience. Sadness is one of those feelings that we try to cover with a smile or lift up with laughter – sometimes this works. Ultimately as long as there is suffering in this world there will be sadness so it’s something we as humans have to learn to live through. Strong emotions such as grief and sorrow need to be felt. It’s when we continue to ignore these emotions that they come back in full force as anger. Once the pot of water is boiling it’s really hard to see your reflection.
What does your sadness have to say to you?
No one is perfect, no matter how many self-help books you’ve read! Sadness says slow down, tread lightly and pay attention. Disappointment comes from not getting what you expect. Friends can let you down. Jobs can come and go. Circumstances can change is a heart-beat. As we lower our expectations of self and others, it becomes easier to maneuver through this murky emotion. This does not mean in anyway lowing your sense of self-worth! It means being able to let go of a situation that compromises your self-love. Developing a sense of trust with yourself and faith in a higher power can help you to find more compassion and ease in your life. When you trust that no matter what happens you will be okay, that light can pull you from the carnage of your mind.
Express it!
Expression of these emotions I find for myself is the greatest release. If there has been something bothering me over time when I finally sit with it, write about it and sing through it, I can start to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I love journaling because your journal never talks back! Einstein’s principal of Thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed only changed from one form to another. This is how I see emotional energy. When we pour our emotions into art we are able to transform the feelings into something beautiful. If you are a feeler, you need an artistic outlet to put your emotions into. Everyone needs an artistic expression! Creative self- expression will help you to stay more balanced, aware and conscious of the life experience you are creating for yourself.
It's okay to feel sad.
I’ve said this before and I'll say it again, it’s okay to feel sad. Honour this emotion as it is part of you. Life is full of ups and downs. The crazy part is when you look back, hindsight reveals that the Universe has had your back the whole time. No matter what happens: know you are loved and that tomorrow is a new day.
If you need someone to remind you of the brilliance of who you are, I'm here for you.