In numerology we take a larger number and add the digits together to get one single digit. To get the number for our year ahead we add 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 to equal 5. 5 is a number of change, challenges and transformation. The cards in the Major Arcana of Tarot that are numbered 5 are the Hierophant and the Temperance cards (1+4=5). We will talk about how these cards relate to the global lessons and collective energies we all are facing this year.
It’s a year of change, slow change. It takes time for society to transform. Last year was a Tower year, with revelations of truths about what is working and what is not. We were shown how fragile our world is and how sudden change beyond our control can uproot life as we know it.
This is our year to come together, to blend the opposites and understand the inner workings of society. We are a collective of unique individuals, and there comes a point where we must put our personal opinions aside to work together for a common good. We must find a space and place for all members of humanity whether they wish to participate or not. We cannot escape each other, our souls are tangled together and what affects one of us affects all of us.
Imagine a world where everyone has a home. This gift alone would completely transform society and the world as we know it. There are so many hardworking people stuck in debt and in the rental market. What if we could find a way to help them out? Imagine how much happier your barista or grocery clerk would be to serve you if they had a stable future. So often our society focuses on the immediate issues rather than putting forth a long range vision of sustainability. The Temperance card tells us that we need to blend the immediate needs with a sustainable long term plan for the future. Spending all our time putting out fires doesn’t allow us to put energy into why they started in the first place. Let’s get to the root of the cause and solve the challenge from there.
The greatest change we will see this year is a change of power in the US government. Interestingly enough, the card of the Hierophant represents political systems, religious structures and government. I am hopeful that the new leadership will bring more calm to the turmoil that our neighbours down south have been going through. There’s a lot of work to do.
Culturally, we love putting heroes on pedestals; we also love ripping then down off those heights when they don’t conform to what we believe heroes to be. Within each person there is good and there is bad, a light side and a shadow side. No one is perfect. We need to honour the whole person. Mistakes will be made, but how we deal with those challenges will show us truly who we are. Letting go of the need to be perfect and finding forgiveness to those who mess with us will lead to great strides forward. We need to focus our collective energy on finding solutions instead of arguing about the problems.
On a personal level we are being asked to take a look at whom and what we follow, uncovering our personal biases and transforming the way we look (and act) in this world, and understanding that judgement of others comes from our own fears and biases. We judge people because we don’t want to be like them or because they are different than us or because we are afraid of them. The Temperance card shows us that acceptance is necessary to find more love and balance within ourselves. If we are busy judging others we aren’t taking a deeper look at our own issues we are simply projecting our fears on others – this will get you nowhere!
The Temperance card is also the Art card. Personal expression allows each of us to channel the emotions and thoughts of our inner wold into creating something beautiful. We get blocked when we are not creating because we are not allowing our emotions to flow. I would encourage everyone to find their creative outlet! In the coming years technology will make many jobs obsolete, and this is not necessarily a bad thing. Technology will free us from the mundane but the question that many people have is what will humans do with their time? Create art, dance, socialize, play music, craft, garden, write, build, ect . . . you know all those things you love to do when you have time outside of your work schedule. We need a renaissance of culture in our society. This is what will bring us together; creating and sharing.
There are many internal changes that are taking place meaning that this will be a year of patience. We are being patient for the roll out of the vaccine and the restart of socialization. This is our year to re-build and re-evaluate ourselves in relation to the world we live in. Acknowledge your needs and desires and balance them with making your way in society. Sharing is caring! Slow down. Smell the roses. Be grateful for all you have. Take time to offer help to others. Don’t be afraid of change, be excited for new possibilities!