After all these years, I still find it crazy that I turned out to be psychic and that I get to share my visions as my career. It’s my life’s calling and I love it. This intuitive gift unfolded for me in my early 20’s and has since grown into clairvoyance, clairaudience and mediumship.
Defining what I do for living is no easy task! Every day is different because each soul need is unique. I never know what will happen in a psychic reading until it is happening. I could describe it as opening the door the library of your subconscious. I lay the cards and your story unfolds.
The most asked questions are about love and career, these are always the hot topics. But that being said, each situation is personal to the person I am reading for.
I love tuning into someone’s soul to see the beauty in their hearts and the gifts they were given in this life. I am a seeker of magical experiences and I love to share these with others through my psychic sessions. We are not alone, Spirit is all around us and each us has the ability to tap in.
Sometimes I’m helping to see greater insight into a relationship as to why two people are not getting along even though they love each other; this can be their triggers or past trauma and knowing this can help immensely in bringing them back together in a loving way.
Sometimes it’s helping find solutions to move on from a relationship that’s over, to find forgiveness and hope for an even more epic lover.
Sometime sessions are like opening a window to a past pain to allow the sorrow to escape into the great abyss.
Sometimes we are celebrating accomplishments and goals attained by my clients.
Whether I’m reassuring a Mom who’s doing it all, celebrating births, predicting weddings and seeing new opportunities, I get a sneak peek into the destiny and the potential within each person. It’s pretty exciting stuff! I feel my work is emotionally rewarding.
I’ve been told by my clients that a session with me is like talking to an old friend that knows you really well. 2 years of therapy in an hour – I liked that one! Mostly I like being a positive influence is someone’s life.
You can ask me about anything. Non-judgement and unconditional understanding flow through my readings. I’m the holder of many secrets and I like it that way. I do my best to honour your privacy and keep what comes up in a session between us.
If you want me to listen, I’ll listen. If you want me to talk, I’ll talk. I’m here to hold space for you to heal, be inspired, and love yourself. My readings are a reflection of the big energies that are at play in your life.
Laughter and tears are in abundance as a reading is a journey into your life through the eyes of the Universe. We’re getting together to talk about you!
Ancestors, passed loved ones and guardian angels like to pop in to say hello and pass on messages. I am primarily a psychic, but Spirits like to talk to me sometimes and I’m not one to pass up the chance for a good conversation.
Visions from past lives can help to heal and make sense of challenges of the present. I find it amazing how soul families attract each other lifetime after lifetime.
Creative problem solving is my forte and I would never leave you hanging without advice for overcoming whatever is challenging you at the moment. I’ve got channeled tools and divinely guided exercises to help you through.
You could call me Seer, or a witch (white magic) or an Oracle or a Lightworker, as I have lived all these lives before and they manifest again in this one. I call myself a Psychic Medium. I’m here to inspire. I’m here to entertain. I’m here connect you with your truth and help you in whatever way I can with this quirky gift I have of tapping into the collective consciousness.
People have taken offense to the word Psychic in my past, as it’s a word that brings up a lot of feelings and biases in people. I think that sometimes people are scared and don’t want to be seen. When I’m reading for someone, I see them and it’s FAR from a scary experience. My clients leave my sessions lighter than they came, with new hope for the future.
What do I do? I see into your soul and talk about it! I answer questions that not many people can or will.
Psychic readings are not for everyone, but I think that everyone should get a psychic reading at least once in their lives because it’s a fascinating experience. A psychic reading is a rite of passage, every culture has a medicine person or shaman or fortune teller, and what I do is universal. I’ve been blessed to discover magical people on different legs of my journey at the perfect time. Perhaps that time is now for us! Sprinkle a little sparkle into your life, and book a session with me. Let’s talk about you and what’s important to you!