Being a feely human being is not easy! Emotions are like water, free flowing, peaceful or crushing. Sometimes we’re on top of them surfing the waves and other times they are on top of us like a stinky October fog. Having artistic tendencies I know first hand what it’s like to feel deeply. The path of an artist is to share a piece their soul in the hopes of connecting with other people that might feel their pain so that together find comfort. An artist has the ability to physically embody the collective energy of our times or pick up on a current movement rolling down the stream. Artists are story tellers. Intuitive Arts are story keepers. Sharing a moment of humanity with another human, emotions are a large part of our collective ongoing story. Our emotions make us sentient and teach us what it means to be alive.Do you have it?Do you cry at movies? Perhaps feel a little crazy around the Full Moon? Can you feel what other people feel? Do you act from intuition? You might have a case of Clairsentience or clear feeling better known as Empathy. Doctors haven’t found a cure for it yet but there’s lots of ways that you can manage it. You didn’t catch it from anyone else, you were born that way. You can continue fighting with yourself that you are too emotional or too sensitive or just honour what you need. Your choice. Basic truths about being an empath that is easier to accept than fight:1. As an empath is can be challenging to control your emotions because emotions cannot be controlled. Think of your emotions like a heavy rain seeping in through all the cracks. The good news is that emotions can be channeled into healthy outlets such as writing (ha!), singing, dancing, or whatever you are passionate about.2. Shit can stick to you. Thankfully you don’t attract more seagulls that everyone else but you do absorb energy from people. You also have the ability to transform that energy, just not instantly all the time. 3. You need, physically NEED to be in healthy, happy environments to thrive. We are all a product of our environment but for empaths an unhealthy environment can be unbearable. The term “Suck it up Sweetheart” will usually not end well when followed by us tender hearted people. 4. You must listen or honour your feelings in some way. Emotions want acknowledgement. That’s all they want! Give them what they want. Listen to your feelings from the perspective of compassion because sometimes our feelings can come from our traumas and pains. That little person inside of you is trying to get your attention. Even negative feelings deserve to be heard. 5. You need to stand in your truth. This is also one of the tracks on my upcoming Folk Album. But seriously, if there’s something off you will know it. You won’t necessary know why you know it but you know it! 6. Loving yourself can be much more challenging than loving others. If you struggle with this you have to work on it, daily, because you are important. 7. If you jump on the complain train it is likely to derail your emotions. Our thoughts will trigger our feelings. That’s why Empaths need plenty of downtime, to be quite and process. Take time for you to relax and focus inward, I know this sounds terrible doesn’t it!8. Alcohol and drugs will numb the pain temporarily but not forever. Sadness unprocessed can lead to anger. Even sadness wants to have a say as it’s feeling too. Congratulations you have been chosen to save the Universe along with a tribe of quirky counterparts! This world NEEDS empaths, feelers and people that care more than ever. Make it your mission to live authentically and find those niches of people you are here to help. Sometimes it’s just one person. That’s enough. The world changes a soul at time. Free your spirit. Be YOU! Feel! Give yourself permission to completely love yourself.