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Andrea Zonnis

Psychic Medium
Andrea Zonnis

Coming out of the Psychic Closet

Andrea Zonnis
20 November 2020

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My name is Andrea, and I am a Psychic.

I understand what it’s like to be on the outside because of something inside of you.  I know what it feels like to be an outcast standing on the edge of social norms — seeing the proper social civilities that have been conditioned in me as the “right way” to be since birth but knowing that I am different.  I wear this on the inside, knowing that I can hide behind a mask of ordinary — unless you ask. If you ask, I will tell you. 

I need to express what is inside me; it is something I cannot help or change because it is innate to my existence. “Coming out of the psychic closet” is a term for a reason. Many people don’t understand what it means to be psychic. I face this lack of understandingabout my career in most conversations. Thosewhoare scared or uncomfortable will quickly change the subject or leave a long awkward pause after my response when the usual question of “what do you do?” comes up. Horror movies on mainstream media influence many people, or they believe that psychics are evil. I try not to take it personally. And then some are curious and ask questions. Those folks are my people.

What does being a psychic mean?

I can only speak to my own experience, as it’s different for each person who has this gift. I am highly sensitive to the energy of the people around me. I can pick up what they’re feeling or have been thinking (I’ve been called a mind reader). Matters of the heart are what I sense the most deeply in others. I feel the heartache as I would feel my own. It’s called clairsentience and man, sometimes it sucks! If someone has a broken heart, I feel a weight or heaviness on my chest. Thankfully, when people are happy, I feel that too.

There is are a few people who I can’t be around, as it makes me sick. My experience isn’t their fault. I can’t always control these feelings, so I’ve learned to work with them. 
My first instance of this was in Grade 3 when I didn’t jive with my science teacher. Every Wednesday afternoon, right before her class, I would get a stomach ache. My Mom took me to see the doctor, but they couldn’t explain it. 

In my twenties, I had a cute boyfriend, and shortly after we got together, I started to get these terrible headaches. While things were going fine on the surface of the relationship, the pain got so bad that I broke up with him. Right after that, the pain went away. 

Energy vibrates like sound waves in music.

When you put two different melodies together in different keys, the song will not sound in tune (unless you’re Stephen Sondheim). Two waves in the ocean moving in opposite directions will crash against each other creating turbulence. I have come to understand that this is my body’s natural protection. It’s not that the other person is good or bad, it’s that our energies don’t mix, and that’s okay. I can still choose to be kind and kindly move away. It’s a big world. There’s room for all of us. 

I see visions for other people. I find these visions easier to process than feeling the emotions of other people in my body since I see them outside of my mind. Symbols, pictures, situations, and scenes will appear over people’s shoulders and heads. I read with my eyes open. When I have permission to share these signs and reflections in a reading, the person feels the truth.

I live my life as a series of moments of getting a fleeting glimpse at what’s on the other side. There have been moments of elation and self-revelation that have changed my life for the better. I hope you have had those experiences, too, because pure joy is a gift to humans.  

I know things that I shouldn’t know.

I get feelings about a situation days before it happens. For example, we were down visiting Colombia this past winter and had rented a beautiful house for a month. Enjoying our time there, we asked the owners if we could stay another month.  “No problem!” they said. “Stay as long as you’d like like,” they said. Our contract was getting closer to the end, and my anxiety levels were starting to peak; I had a feeling they weren’t honest, and we would have to leave. I had even gotten my husband to call them again to make sure we could stay longer. The same answer, “Of course you can.” Well, 48 hours before our contract was up, we got a text message from their realtor saying that they weren’t going to renew the contract and that we had to leave.   

I have never been alone (though sometimes I sure felt lonely, especially when I was young).  I’ve been in communication with a voice inside of me for as long as I can remember. Growing up in Kelowna, I had elderly Polish neighbours who lived across the street. Maria had survived the Second World War and had even written a book about her experience. She was a devout Catholic and took to teaching me about the Bible when I would stop by to visit. My family was not religious unless it served their purpose to point out “Honour thy mother” or “Honour thy Father.”

I was so curious about God and Jesus. Could this be the explanation for the voice in my mind? As a child, I thought it was weird that God was masculine because my inner world's voice was feminine. I learned that God loved me and that if I didn’t follow His word, I would go to hell. My inner voice said that wasn’t true. Innately I knew that “God” loves everyone unconditionally. It was not possible to convert me because that concept did not make sense to me in any way, shape, or form: that and the dinosaurs. I’m a believer in science and the theory of evolution. I’m not here to judge you if you are a believer in the Bible. It does not work for me!

We have all been told at one point or another to “follow your heart.” Learning to listen to my inner voice has transformed my life. I found stability and sustainability in my career; I met the love of my life, married, had a love child, and traveled the world (the warm parts anyway!) playing music. I let go of the inner circle and started to appreciate my perspective from being on the outside. I found confidence in myself and my abilities. I found love for myself. I created a drama-free life in which I feel a sense of belonging. I stopped pretending to be someone else to fit in. I stepped out of the closet. I have psychic abilities, and that is who I am.

I use these gifts of psychic ability with integrity and the intention that I am here to help and serve to the best of my ability.

My psychic gifts have helped to transform and save lives. I saw this very early on in my career when I was reading the Tarot at local markets. An older woman came and sat in my chair, asking for a reading. After the reading, she asked me, “Do you know why I’m here?”
 “To get a reading?” I responded inquisitively. 
Then she told me her story:
“My son got a reading from you last week. He was ready to commit suicide. Your reading changed his mind, and he decided to live. I came here to thank you.”

Written by Andrea Zonnis
Edited by Lynn Thompson

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